Pastoral care

A chaplain sits in quiet reflection before the cross in the St Stephen’s Hospital chapel.

St Stephen’s hospital offers pastoral care to people of all faiths and none.

At St Stephen’s, chaplains, ministers, priests and lay people are available to visit members of their denominations. Chaplains also regularly visit each ward and are available to support patients and their families.

What is pastoral care?

Spirituality can become increasingly important to some when facing illness or health problems. Research shows that spiritual care contributes to people’s overall sense of wellbeing and assists them to face life’s challenges with greater resilience.

Spiritual and pastoral care can include:

  • Listening to people share stories of their life.
  • Accompanying people through difficult times.
  • Nurturing spirituality through reflection, scripture, worship, sacrament and ritual.
  • Helping people find meaning in their experiences.

Our Chaplains seek to:

  • Provide a safe and supportive environment.
  • Listen with respect to people’s stories.
  • Offer support, compassion and understanding.
  • Assist patients and their families to connect with and draw upon their own inner resources.
  • Respond to people’s specific religious needs.
  • Offer prayer and the sacraments of the Church when required.

Confidentiality and privacy are respected at all times.

When to speak to a chaplain or pastoral carer

Speaking with a chaplain or pastoral carer may be helpful when:

  • Facing an operation or critical procedure.
  • Feeling anxious or lonely.
  • Experiencing grief and loss.
  • Moving into palliative care.
  • Seeking to participate in worship or sacrament.
  • Loved ones require support.

If you would like to speak to a chaplain or pastoral carer, please ask one of the nursing staff to arrange a visit.

Our chapel

Our chapel is located on the ground floor. It is available at all times for reflection, prayer and as a quiet and sacred place.

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