
Consumer Engagement

St Stephen's values the contribution made by members of our community towards the delivery of person-centred care.

St Stephen’s Hospital has long recognised that the achievement of our strategic goals requires the engagement, input and participation from our wider community.

Our desire to achieve this has been encouraged by the development of, and our requirement to comply with, the Partnering with Consumers criteria of the National Safety and Quality Heath Care Service Standards.

As a regional facility that provides a key service to a diverse demographic, we recognise that we are in a unique position to connect with our community and work with them to strengthen partnerships.

St Stephen’s Consumer Advisory Group

As part of our commitment to Consumer Engagement, St Stephen’s has engaged the services of voluntary community members to work with the hospital in achieving our objectives.

The Consumer Advisory Group meets quarterly and is made up of representatives from across the Fraser Coast.

The purpose of the Consumer Advisory Group is to assist and advise Hospital Executive in relation to existing and emerging healthcare trends and services, together with patient information and protocols, and make recommendations from a consumer perspective. The group also reviews quality outcome data and patient satisfaction results.

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